Africa has disintegrated through its long colonial history. This disintegration has hampered African development over many years and has certainly made it difficult for Africa to harness its rich natural and human resources for its development. There is an urgent need for Africa to wake up without simply blaming history. Africa needs to rediscover itself, and this can be done through the instrument of education.


African leaders have for a long-time recognized education, and higher education integration, as critical instruments for development. Various educational initiatives have been formulated by African leaders, but they have failed to sufficiently translate these policies into the facts. In this area, Africa needs to take concrete and effective actions able to promote its development and break the barriers of disintegration.


The Universities of Africa have for long remained the un-used strength that have been ignored by African governments and their peoples. Past Africa leaderships have sought knowledge from universities and researchers outside Africa. This can no longer be allowed to continue if Africa does not want to continue to repeat the mistakes. Africa needs to recognize its universities as a critical organ for its development and integration. But for universities in Africa to take their rightful place as agents of development and integration, they need to be empowered.


This Policy Brief presents a case for the Refocusing of continental integration in and through higher education and for the empowerment of African Universities as development agents.