AAU Workshops

SUMA Workshop Info-graphicsSenior University Management (SUMA) Workshop Series

This Senior University Management (SUMA) Workshop Series targeted Presidents / Rectors / Vice-Chancellors / Principals, Deputies, Deans, Directors and HODs, Registrars and Bursars.

This Senior University Management (SUMA) Workshop Series begun in 1991 and ended in 2003. It had 9 individual Workshops ensuing.

This Senior University Management (SUMA) Workshop Series was financed by Donors and Participant Fees

The language of delivery was English.







MADEV Workshop Info-graphicsMADEV Workshop Series

In 2003, the Association of African Universities (AAU) launched the Management Development Training Programme dubbed MADEV. MADEV aims to help develop and enhance the competencies of senior middle level university managers (Provosts, Deans of Colleges, Schools and Faculties, their Deputies, as well as Heads of Academic Departments). The MADEV strategically targets this cadre of functionaries given that university leadership is now increasingly being devolved to the departments, faculties, colleges and institutes. Broadly, MADEV aims at building managerial skills of African university managers to enable them engage strategically with the new and emerging challenges and complexity of African higher education, initiate and promote innovation, manage change, and sustain achievement. This is achieved through raising awareness on the opportunities and challenges of the higher education (HE) environment within and outside Africa; equipping university managers with skills and competences effectively lead the transformation of their universities.

MADEV was conceptualised in 2003 but February 2008 was the actual roll out and it is currently Ongoing.

6 MADEV workshops have been held between 2008 to 2015 in Accra, Ghana; Morogoro, Tanzania; Gaborone, Botswana; Douala, Cameroon; Cape Coast, Ghana; Zomba, Malawi. MADEV 7 is planned for Harare Zimbabwe in 2017

195 participants (137 males and 58 females) have been trained under the MADEV.
This workshop is finacnced by Participant Fees, AAU, SIDA and ACBF
This Workshop is run in English and French.


LEDEV Workshop Info-graphicsLEDEV Workshop Series

In 2007, the Association of African Universities (AAU) launched the Leadership Development Training Programme dubbed LEDEV. LEDEV aims to help develop and enhance the competencies of Vice-Chancellors, Rectors, Presidents, Deputy Vice Chancellors, President Deans, Director Chairmen of Council and Senate. The LEDEV strategically targets this cadre of functionaries given that university leadership is now increasingly being devolved to the departments, faculties, colleges and institutes.

LEDEV was begun in 2007 and it is currently Ongoing.

9 LEDEV workshops have been held respectively at the following locations: Namibia (August, 2007); Rwanda (April, 2008); Senegal (October, 2009), Kenya (September, 2010), Zimbabwe (September, 2013), Burkina Faso (November, 2013), Uganda (February, 2014), Botswana (August 2015), Ghana (October 2016)

304 trained to date which comprises of 243 Males and 61 Females who have been trained under the LEDEV.

This workshop is financed by Participant Fees, SIDA and ACBF
This Workshop is run in English only.



University Industry Linkages Info-graphicsUniversity Industry Linkages Workshop Series

In 2015 the Association of African Universities set up an extension of LEDEV Workshops named University Industry Linkages Workshop Series. This Workshop Series targets Vice-Chancellor / Rector / President / Deputy VC / Rector / President Deans / Directors, International Liaison Officers, PROs, HODs.

The University Industry Linkages Workshop Series was begun in 2015 and it is currently Ongoing.

There have been 3 University Industry Linkages Workshops held to date as at March 2017. University Industry Linkages Planning Workshop held in Rwanda, 2015 had 56 participants.
1st University Industry Linkages, Nigeria (May 2016) 16 Males 3 Females
2nd University Industry Linkages (Ethiopia, May 2016) 14 males 4 Females
3rd University Industry Linkages Zambia July 2016) 24 males 7 females
Planned University Industry Linkages in Somalia April 2017

68 trained to date 54 Males and 14 Females who have been trained under the University Industry Linkages.

This workshop is financed by Participant Fees only.

This Workshop is run in English only.


University Advancement Workshop Info-graphicsUniversity Advancement Workshop Series

In 2013 the Association of African Universities set up the University Advancement Workshop Series. This Workshop Series targets Vice Chancellors, Rectors, Presidents, DVC’s, HODs, Registrars, CFOs, HROs, Chief Protocol Officers.

The University Advancement Workshop Series was begun in 2013 and it is currently Ongoing.

There has been 11 University Advancement workshops held to date:
1st University Advancement Workshop, Ghana April 2013,
2nd University Advancement Workshop, Ghana September 2013,
3rd University Advancement Workshop, Kenya April 2014,
4th University Advancement Workshop, Ethiopia December 2014,
5th University Advancement Workshop, Zimbabwe April 2015,
6th University Advancement Workshop, Tanzania September 2015,
7th University Advancement Workshop, Ghana December 2015,
8th University Advancement Workshop, Mozambique March 2016,
9th University Advancement Workshop, Zimbabwe June 2016,
10th University Advancement Workshop, Uganda Sept 2016, and
11th University Advancement Workshop, Ghana Dec 2016

180 trained to date which comprises of 150 Males & 30 Females who have been trained under the University Advancement Workshop Series.

This workshop is financed by Participant Fees only.

This Workshop is run in English only.


BHETS Workshop Info-graphicsBasic Higher Education Teaching Skills Workshop Series

In 2016 the Association of African Universities set up the Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills Workshop Series. This Workshop Series Targets African Higher & Tertiary Education lecturers (whether they are Dr.s or Prof.s regardless of their areas of specialisation) who do not have the teaching professional qualification. Registrars and Directors of Quality Assurance can attend so that they can understand and resolve teaching and learning issues as they are presented by both students and lecturers.

The Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills Workshop Series was begun in 2016 and it is currently Ongoing.

There has been 3 Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills workshops held to date:
BHETS I (Ghana Nov 2016)
BHETS II (Ghana Feb 2017)
BHETS III (Zimbabwe March 2017)
BHETS IV (Nigeria Planned for April 2017)

92 trained to date which comprises of 64 Males and 28 Females who have been trained under the Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills Workshop Series.

This workshop is financed by Participant Fees only.

This Workshop is run in English only.


Social Media Seminars Info-graphicsSocial Media Seminars

In 2016 the Association of African Universities set up the Social Media Seminars. This Workshop Series targets Public Relations Officers and Communication Officers in African Universities.

The Social Media Seminars was begun in 2016 and it is currently Ongoing.

3 held in Ghana, Swaziland and Burkina Faso.

38 trained to date which comprises of 26 Males and 12 Females who have been trained under the Social Media Seminars.

This workshop is financed by Participant Fees only.

This Workshop is run in English and French.





E-Learning Info-graphicsE-learning Seminars

In 2016 the Association of African Universities set up the E-learning Seminars. This Workshop Series targets E-learning Directors in African Universities.

The E-learning Seminars was begun in 2016 and it is currently Ongoing.

There has been 1 E-learning Seminar held in Ghana to date:

15 trained to date which comprises of 12 Males and 3 Females who have been trained under the E-learning Seminars.

This workshop is financed by Participant Fees only.

This Workshop is run in English only.




  • University Advancement (UNIVAD)
  • Fostering University – Industry Linkages
  • iC3T